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Often times a company or team’s level of collaboration can make or break them. There are many people out there who go into the workplace and only focus on getting their own work done so they can get home, but by working together not only can their own work become more fulfilling, it can also make the company more profitable. A large majority of c-suite executives believe that their company would be more successful if their employees were more open to collaboration. But how do you know if you’re working with a collaborative workforce? Here are a few characteristics to look out for.

A Strong Leader

Employees tend to follow their leader’s example, so it’s no wonder why having a strong leader is so important to the collaborative workforce. Leaders are there to help motivate and guide their team, so it’s up to them to communicate the importance of collaboration in the workplace. Research has discovered that behaviors found in collaborative leaders usually include rewarding those who engage in collaborative practices, modeling collaborative practices through themselves and building strong internal networks as well as frequently working people in other departments and roles. If you’re able to display these qualities to your team, it should help push the organization towards a more collaborative work style.

Consistent Effort

Effort is required when it comes to a collaborative workforce. It can’t be effort on only one person’s part though. It’s important that everyone gives their full amount of effort, otherwise, results can suffer. If even one person begins to lose enthusiasm, the quality of their work can decrease. While it may be difficult at times, everyone must work as a team from beginning to end in order to ensure the best results.

Effective Communication

In order for any team to succeed, they need to be able to communicate often and strongly. Unfortunately, people can’t read minds so that means that communication is vital for succeeding in almost anything. There shouldn’t be anybody on the team who is keeping to themselves. Instead, you must make sure everyone has the chance to be heard and to share their thoughts. Communication is also important because it makes for less chance of confusion when it comes to what’s expected of a team member.

A Common Goal

Last but not least, the members of a collaborative workforce all share a common goal. People are more likely to work together when they realize others share their goal. When the common goal is recognized, people are typically able to look beyond their own agendas and see that each of them has a role to play in order to reach that goal. Over the course of working towards the goal, a sense of friendship can even grow between team members.